Category Archives: love

Kudos To God

Just when I thought the wrath of God was coming upon me; because I’ve been fighting Him in my childish and selfish ways which have led to a multitude of sins; He shows up with grace and mercy left and right today.

I’ve been having issues with my MacBook not charging lately, so I headed over to the Apple store in the ever so glamorous Green Hills mall. The adapter wasn’t working anymore. So, Grant, the Apple tech guy, told me that my warranty was 100 days over and that the adapter was going to cost $61. I thought to myself, hmmmm….great. I can’t buy that today. (Because when you have 4 kids; your money priorities change!) But then, Grant graciously said, “I’ll swap this out for you at no cost.”


I thanked Grant tremendously and left a very happy customer! Now, maybe Apple does this quite a bit for others, but, really, I saw God’s hand in this!

I got to my car and my gas was near to empty. Sighing and thinking that there is no way I’m going to make it back to Franklin, I drove a few miles and pulled into a gas station. I had no cash and little to spare on my debit card; I took the chance and put $9 in the gas tank. But then, as I got back into my car, put my foot on the brake, I looked down and saw a bunch of twenty-dollar bills sticking out. I picked it up and my mind immediately went to the day when I got back from visiting my mom and family in Denver. The 3 jesters had told me that “Daddy lost a lot of money! It fell out of his pocket!”

I had found the money that was “lost”. Which means that all that cash was in our car under the gas pedal for 3 weeks! I texted the husband to tell him that I found his money that he lost and he simply replied back ‘finders keepers’.

God’s timing is perfect and sometimes comical. Notice how I didn’t find that money until after I left the mall! I’ll be back Nordstrom, The Container Store and Cheesecake Factory!

With my heart battered and torn lately and exhausting the battle within myself, I needed to see the grace of God today. I needed to see that He is there, He is still taking care of me, even in the littlest of things that matter.

“The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love.” Psalm 145:8

Where have you seen God’s grace working in your life? Has He ever “shown up” in random, unexpected, comical ways?

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Filed under crazy, faith, love

Attempted Pinterest Project {Wordless Wednesday (Haiku)}




My love for candles

My love for a mason jar

Together at last

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Filed under crazy, fun, love, picture